Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Welcome to December Edition of our monthly Newsletter.

codeMantra, LLC, is a provider of comprehensive litigation support, document management and software solutions, founded in 2002 and headquartered in Plymouth Meeting, Pennsylvania.

cP-DocRev — Integrated Cloud based eDiscovery because one size does not fit all.

Learn more contact:
Robert Grande                           


#cpdocrev, #ediscovery, #documentreview

Friday, November 1, 2013

Monthly News Letter

codeMantra, LLC, is a provider of comprehensive litigation support, document management and software solutions, founded in 2002 and headquartered in Plymouth Meeting, Pennsylvania.

cP-DocRev — Integrated Cloud based eDiscovery because one size does not fit all.

Learn more contact:
Robert Grande                        

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Monthly News Letter

codeMantra, LLC, is a provider of comprehensive litigation support, document management and software solutions, founded in 2002 and headquartered in Plymouth Meeting, Pennsylvania.

cP-DocRev — Integrated, Simple, Scalable, Secure, Affordable is a proprietary web-based eDiscovery Platform.

Learn more contact:
Robert Grande                        

Thursday, September 26, 2013

cP-DocRev Introduction Video

codeMantra, LLC, is a provider of comprehensive litigation support, document management and software solutions, founded in 2002 and headquartered in Plymouth Meeting, Pennsylvania.

cP-DocRev — Integrated, Simple, Scalable, Secure, Affordable is a proprietary web-based eDiscovery Platform. 

The platform is built with best-in-breed technology and a fully open architecture with seamless ability to scale.  cP-DocRev offers industry standard features, built in analytics and production capabilities.

cP-DocRev was designed and created by a team with over 60 years combined experience, along with experts from the industry, service providers, law firms and actual end users. 

·         Predictable Pricing (no long term contracts, pay as you go) 
·         Full Data Control, the platform enables the user full access and control of their data
·         Process, review + analytics and produce in one platform
·         Store and run as many production sets at no cost
·         Simple Interface, Minimal training required (visual clues and video library accessed through platform)

To Learn More about cP-DocRev
Robert Grande
Director of Sales and Marketing

Thursday, September 12, 2013

codeMantra, LLC Announces Kelly + Partners, Inc. has chosen cP-DocRev as a Strategic Alliance Partner

Plymouth Meeting, PA – September, 2013 – codeMantra, LLC ( creator of cP-DocRev — Integrated, Simple, Scalable, Secure, Affordable a proprietary web-based eDiscovery Platform founded in 2002 and headquartered in Plymouth Meeting, Pennsylvania.

“We are excited to add Kelly + Partners, Inc. to our growing list of Strategic Alliance Partners,” “The team at Kelly + Partners, Inc. commitment to their Clients, Partners, and Employees sets their standard of excellence that has been their tradition since opening. The addition of K&P are a pioneer and staple in the Philadelphia Market for years and a great addition to our Partner Alliance” stated Robert Grande, Director of Business Development of codeMantra, LLC.

Kelly + Partners, Inc. 

Kelly + Partners, Inc. Located in the heart of Philadelphia, Kelly+Partners provides a host of superior document management services, a true end to end facility to handle all legal support needs. 

Our wide array of clients includes small local businesses, large law firms, Fortune 500 Companies — and everything in between! What makes us different from the rest? We could say it’s our Customer Service. But actually, it goes a bit deeper than that.

It’s all about Commitment. Our commitment to our Clients, to our Partners, and to our Employees sets the standard of excellence that’s been our tradition since we opened our doors. And you’ll see it in everything we do, no matter how small. This level of commitment is the main reason why our very first Clients are still with us today. And it’s why we look forward to coming to work in the morning. You see … we don’t want to be the biggest. We just want to be the best.

Kevin Kelly
(215) 569-3600
Centre Square, Concourse Level
1500 Market Street

Philadelphia, PA 19102

About cP-DocRev — Integrated, Simple, Scalable, Secure, Affordable is a proprietary web-based eDiscovery Platform.

cP-DocRev is a proprietary hosted document review platform that is cross browser compatible and works within both PC, Mac and tablet environments.  

End users can focus on review, analysis and production of electronically stored information (ESI), avoiding the need of additional tools and eliminating ineffective workflows.

The platform is easy to use, offers transparent pricing and full end user control over their data.
Built with the best-in-breed technology, seamless ability to scale, built in analytics and production capabilities developed on a fully open architect. The platform is hosted in a secure SaS 70 certified data center.
The platform was built by a team with over 60 years combined experience. From concept to design, development to testing and launch of the platform we consulted with and deployed experts in the business, including document management professionals, industry consultants, litigation support services providers, law firms and actual end users.
Want to try it for yourself or run a comparison with your current platform? Ask about our FREE No Risk Trial upload a data set produced and compare results for yourself. Contact us at 610-940-1724 or at to schedule a demo.

Learn more contact:
Robert Grande                        

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Big Data - cP-DocRev offers a simple and transparent pricing model

codeMantra, LLC, is a provider of comprehensive litigation support and software solutions, founded in 2002 and headquartered in Plymouth Meeting, Pennsylvania.


cP-DocRev — Integrated, Simple, Scalable, Secure, Affordable is a proprietary web-based eDiscovery  Platform. Offers a predictable pricing schedule and takes the guess work out of ediscovery costs.

codeMantra began an earnest initiative to build a simple and straight forward document review platform. The underlying goal was to create a user friendly review platform that was not only flexible, comprehensive yet affordable and easily manageable.

After exhaustive research and analysis, we found that there was no particular software nor application that offered a perfect blend of attributes expected from a dedicated “review platform”. We decided to build a platform that would be a cost effective alternative, easy to use allowing users control over their data, being able to eliminate costs associated with external workflow and project management. The solution would also come with built-in analytics, ability to cull, review and produce documents at a very affordable and transparent price.

Want to try it for yourself or run a comparison with your current platform? Ask about our FREE No Risk Trial upload a data set produced and compare results for yourself. Contact us at 610-940-1724 or at to schedule a demo.

To Learn More about cP-DocRev

Robert Grande

Director of Sales and Marketing



Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Monthly News Letter

Welcome to June Edition of our monthly Newsletter.

Our monthly newsletter is compilation of eDiscovery and legal industry news. This monthly newsletter is provided as an aggregation of daily and weekly updates from a combination of sources derived from RSS Feeds, Web Alerts, and Industry Newsletters. Our goal is to provide legal support, document management, review and eDiscovery service providers with a quick reference to industry news.

For information contact:

Robert Grande

About codeMantra, LLC

codeMantra, LLC, is a provider of comprehensive litigation support, document management and software solutions, founded in 2002 and headquartered in Plymouth Meeting, Pennsylvania.
cP-DocRev — Integrated, Simple, Scalable, Secure, Affordable is a proprietary web-based eDiscovery Platform.  We take a simple and transparent approach to pricing, taking the guess work out of ediscovery costs.

Want to try it for yourself or run a comparison with your current platform? Ask about our FREE No Risk Trial upload a data set produced and compare results for yourself. Contact us at 610-940-1724 or at to schedule a demo.


Friday, June 21, 2013

Predictive Coding and Technology-Assisted

June 18, 2013

Predictive Coding and Technology-Assisted

Review: Hype or Need?

Over the last few years, predictive coding has led the way as a hot topic. Recently the new buzzwords have been technology-assisted review and computer-assisted review.

While these are nice words to throw around, questions arise: How many cases have any of these been applied and what are the metrics of savings and time to the client? How many cases actually require the use of these items?

I can recall that this was the way of future document review, but we find only a few years later that predictive coding has taken a long time to grow. This could be from various factors: hype information about the benefits and risks, though it could be an important part of your e-discovery toolkit but you will need to determine whether predictive coding is right for your particular case and weight the cost savings from a finical point, compare what the cost would be to implement vs. not to implement, your dead line and resources.

In a recent article, “7 E-Discovery Takeaways from CEIC,” three items stood out to me: (1) humans will still play a vital role in document review, but technology will assist in reducing the number of documents; (2) applying text analytics can also reduce the cost and population of document review; (3) make sure you have an agreement with opposing counsel on which technology you will choice. Here are thoughts from the article’s author, Sean Doherty:

1. Technology-assisted review, computer-assisted review, or predictive coding technologies will not replace human review, according to David Cohen, partner at Reed Smith. He said that document review technologies will still need humans to train systems and provide quality control. The undertow to the message: document review is not a career path.

2. Applying text analytics to document review reduces the cost of document review from dollars to cents per document. According to Cohen, human review, on average, can cost $1 to $3 per document. With Equivio, Reed Smith charges clients 3 cents per document after the system is trained, said Cohen. When asked how the firm calculates the cost to train a technology-assisted review system, Cohen said that Reed Smith charges clients by the billable hour.

3. If you can't get an agreement with your opponent on the use of technology-assisted review, said Cohen, don't forge ahead on your own (see Kleen Products v. Packaging Corp.). But there are still three use cases for TAR that don't require an agreement with your opposing party: use it on the production set your opponent delivers to you; use it to provide quality control to manual or human review; or use it to accelerate human review where automated review systems can identify highly relevant and irrelevant documents, which can be grouped or batched to speed review.

My advice to end users is to consult with your internal support team, whether it is the IT department or litigation support. Outline your goals and objectives for each project prior to making your selection on which technology can benefit your goal.

It is easy to become overwhelmed with information or want to use the newest, best, and greatest technology in the market. However, you must consider that the use of higher-end technologies come at a much higher cost. Consider the following while making your choice: (1) remember that sometimes the most cost-effective and efficient solution is also the most straightforward; (2) have a well-defined scope of the data you are going to process and review, because the days of "collect and process everything" are long gone; and (3) plan and map out your strategy for the production and review.

A successful production and review features the following elements:

  • Communication and planning
  • Meet and confer
  • Bring in the experts (internal resources, vendor, review team)
  • Outline: scope, goals, deadlines
  • Daily progress and quality control checks

Another helpful practice is to reduce data prior to production and review. This procedure includes the following:

  • Strategic collection of data
  • Strategic filtering of data
  • Keeping your ESI in a native format
  • Apply text analytics

Robert Grande, codeMantra, Plymouth Meeting, PA

Monday, June 3, 2013

cP-DocRev Monthly Newsletter

codeMantra, LLC, is a provider of comprehensive litigation support, document management and software solutions, founded in 2002 and headquartered in Plymouth Meeting, Pennsylvania.

cP-DocRev — Integrated, Simple, Scalable, Secure, Affordable is a proprietary web-based eDiscovery Review Platform.

To Learn More about cP-DocRev
Robert Grande
Director of Sales and Marketing


Thursday, May 23, 2013

Basic Introduction to Litigation Support and eDiscovery

codeMantra, LLC, is a provider of comprehensive litigation support, document management and software solutions, founded in 2002 and headquartered in Plymouth Meeting, Pennsylvania.

cP-DocRev — Integrated, Simple, Scalable, Secure, Affordable is a proprietary web-based eDiscovery Review Platform.

To Learn more about cP-DocRev
Robert Grande
Director of Sales and Marketing

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Integrated, Simple, Scalable, Secure, Affordable Discovery Review Platform - Pricing

codeMantra, LLC, is a provider of comprehensive litigation support, document management and software solutions, founded in 2002 and headquartered in Plymouth Meeting, Pennsylvania

cP-DocRev — Integrated, Simple, Scalable, Secure, Affordable proprietary web-based discovery platform.

The platform is built with best-in-breed technology and a fully open architecture with seamless ability to scale.  cP-DocRev offers industry standard features, built in analytics and production capabilities.
From concept to design, development to testing and launch of the platform we consulted with and deployed experts in the business, industry consultants, litigation support services providers, law firms and actual end users.

Value Proposition:
·         Affordable Pricing (no long term contracts, pay as you go)
·         Full Data Control
·         Security (SFTP, SaS 70 Certification, Granular Level Administration, Role Based Access)
·         Comprehensive Training and Technical Support
·         Simple Interface, Minimal training required (visual clues and video library accessed through platform)
·         The platform is cross-browser compatible and works in PC, MAC and Tablet environments
·         Universal viewer, Support over 400 file types

To Learn More about cP-DocRev
Robert Grande
Director of Sales and Marketing

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Integrated, Simple, Scalable, Secure, Affordable

codeMantra, LLC, is a provider of comprehensive litigation support, document management and software solutions, founded in 2002 and headquartered in Plymouth Meeting, Pennsylvania.

cP-DocRev is a proprietary web-based discovery platform.

The platform is built with best-in-breed technology and a fully open architecture with seamless ability to scale.  cP-DocRev offers industry standard features, built in analytics and production capabilities.

The platform has been designed and created by a team with over 60 years combined experience, along with experts from the industry, service providers, law firms and actual end users.  

Ask about our FREE No Risk Trial 

Robert Grande                        

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Welcome to May Edition of our monthly Newsletter.

cP-DocRev — Integrated, Simple, Scalable, Secure, Affordable is a proprietary web-based discovery review and repository platform. cP-DocRev built with best-in-breed technology is customizable, scalable and comes with built-in analytics and integrated production capabilities devel­oped on fully open source architecture. The platform is cross
browser compatible and works in PC, MAC and Tablet environments, includes image and native file review. 

Friday, April 12, 2013

Simple, Integrated, Scalable, Secure Discovery Review and Production Platform

codeMantra, LLC  like to invite you to follow the latest upgrades, news, offers and developments of cP-DocRev.

About codeMantra, LLC

CodeMantra, LLC, a provider of comprehensive litigation support, document management, software solutions, founded in 2002 and headquartered in Plymouth Meeting, Pennsylvania. 

About cP-DocRev Simple, Integrated, Scalable, Secure Discovery Review and Production Platform

cP-DocRev is a priority web-based discovery review and repository platform. built with best-in-breed technology the platform is customizable and scalable. Offers built-in analytics and fully integrated production capabilities developed on fully open end architecture.

The platform is offered as a secure cloud based solution hosted at a SaS 70 certified data center with state-of-the-art technology infrastructure and transferred via secure ftp.

codeMantra began an earnest initiative to build a simple and straight forward document review platform. The underlying goal was to create a user friendly review platform that was not only flexible, comprehensive yet affordable and easily manageable. We decided to build a platform that would be a cost effective alternative, easy to use allowing users control over their data, being able to eliminate costs associated with external workflow and project management. The solution would also come with built-in analytics, ability to cull, review and produce documents at a very affordable and transparent price.

The platform was built by a team with a collective experience of over 60 years comprising of a variety of industry associated experts. From concept to design, development to testing and launch of the platform we consulted with and deployed experts in the business, which included document management professionals, industry consultants, litigation support services providers, law firms and actual end users

Robert Grande

Friday, April 5, 2013

codeMantra, LLC

About codeMantra, LLC (Strategic Business Data Solutions)

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Welcome to April Edition of our monthly Newsletter.

Welcome to April Edition of our monthly Newsletter.

Our monthly newsletter is compilation of eDiscovery and legal industry news. This monthly newsletter is provided as an aggregation of daily and weekly updates from a combination of sources derived from RSS Feeds, Web Alerts, and Industry Newsletters. Our goal is to provide legal support, document management, review and eDiscovery service providers with a quick reference to industry news.